Term Dates / Calendar

Buzzing about!

Well the weather may be grim, but it is certainly sunny in Year 3! What a week we have had. We have been ordering time, not just times from a clock, but from events, months, years. In order to solve this, research had to be undertaken to complete the challenge – such as how long does it take for a horse chestnut tree to grow 25 metres and what is the fastest time a female runner completed a marathon.

We have had playtimes with an added difference this week – just look at the fun that was had with hats, wigs and costumes (plus some floral hair accessories!).

During Art this week, Year 3 drew some really beautiful bees which focused on shading and accuracy of its form – making them look extremely life-like! Their attention to detail was unbeelievable!

Continuing with our learning about bees, 3D visited the hive for the first time to find out the names and purpose of each part of the hive. They carefully watched the worker bees flying in and out of the hive entrance carrying white and bright yellow pollen sacs. Here are some of the labelled diagrams of a beehive:

We have been learning about the importance of E-safety; keeping ourselves safe when online. After sharing experiences we made posters to let others be aware of how to keep safe when using the internet. We were hugely impressed with the ideas and sensible opinions of the children.

What a treat to be serenaded by Monty this week as he played ‘Hot Chilli’ to the class….bravo…encore!

Forest School has continued in all this dreary ‘not May like’ weather and the children created their own jewellery, stick men or whatever their imagination wanted using elder – they even hollowed out the branches which also could be used to help create bee hotels!