Term Dates / Calendar

Caught up in nets!

Another busy week in Year 3. Rehearsals are underway for our end of year short show show! We have been practising the notes and working out the moves and all is looking … tremendous!

Indian animals have been of great interest to us this week – we have been thinking about the criterion for categorising them. Since we have really enjoyed learning about them we thought we would delve a little deeper using the internet to then produce leaflets about a chosen animal, looking at using all the features that we have already noted within leaflets.

Meanwhile we have finished our peacock pictures this week using watercolours and chalks. Aren’t they wonderful – the children as are proud as peacocks about their masterpieces!

In maths we have been looking at angles, turns and direction. We then undertook a few investigations involving nets! We could identify which 3D shape they would make from looking at differing nets by recognising the 2D shape and number of faces, edges and vertices. We then had great fun making them! Out came the sticks and the marshmellows to build our 3D shapes!

Clubs – Our finger knitting is like the porridge pot! The snakes are getting longer and longer! Wool is disappearing from the box and being replaced by snakes!

And then it was the day of the sleepover!!! Sleeping bags, fruity kebabs, football on the big screen. To say we all had a great time is an understatement! A few tired children (and teachers) the next day, but what a fantastic experience. We certainly didn’t let the weather get in our way!