Term Dates / Calendar

It’s debatable

There has been an awful lot of discussions going on this week in Year 4! The year group have continued to be extremely busy show-casing their independent explorer tasks from Oreo moon phases, homemade moon biscuits and pastries to using fruit and vegetables as a means to conduct electricity. We saw bulbs being lit, working stopwatches and soundboards all operating through such items. Really super presenting and teaching skills; the children have been learning such a lot from these projects.

It’s debatable, Copthill School

More great usage of checking work using calculators this week; the children are now familiar with using all four operations on their calculator. We have also been looking at positive and negative numbers and relating them to both money and temperatures. 

More sound experiments have been happening in Year 4. We identified differing pitches using test tubes and water. We also demonstrated how sound traveled by talking to one another from varying distances.

We made panpipes using paper straws and changed the pitch by shortening each straw.

There was much discussion in house-keeping club about pairing socks, folding jumpers and shirts. Lost property boxes were sorted as owners for most items were found and if not they were neatly folded! What a helpful bunch of house-keepers!

It’s debatable, Copthill School

Mrs O’Sullivan kindly set to show-casing our exciting news of our forthcoming school apiary to our visitors in the front reception area of our school. She and her little worker bees have worked so hard to make an amazing display. I hope you all have the chance to see it for yourself next week during Parents’ Evening. It’s nectar!

It’s debatable, Copthill School

Some rather heated debates occurred during our PSHE lessons – there were some very interesting and strong opinions plus valid discussions held on topics such as recycling, preferred pets and health versus wealth.

We will leave further discussions on such topics with you! Have a great weekend everyone!