Term Dates / Calendar

Welcome Back to Reception!

The children were so delighted to be back at school on Monday and there were a lot of happy faces entering school that morning.

We have had a great time renewing friendships, playing together and catching up with all the news. Everyone seems to have grown so much taller than before.

This week we have been learning all about the story of “Jasper’s Beanstalk” by Nick Butterworth. It is a story about an impatient little cat who can’t wait long enough for his bean to grow! We have covered all aspects of the Reception curriculum using the book as inspiration. We have planted sweet peas and runner beans and thought carefully about their requirements for growth. We have acted out the story, been on an exciting treasure hunt to remind ourselves about the story and made some story stones. In mathematics we have been measuring beanstalks with rulers and blocks and solving problems with seeds. We have made some leaf hats by ordering the leaves in size and even made some artistic seed flower pictures.

It is so lovely to have everyone back at school!