Term Dates / Calendar

A wonderful end to this half of term!

As we reach the end of this week, it is quite astonishing to think that we have come to the end of our very first half term of the academic year. We have been delighted with how well the children have settled into both Pre School and Nursery over their first few weeks. All children are unique and have their own special way of finding their feet at these early stages of education. It has been a delight to witness each key person working closely to get to know their children and strengthen bonds over this first half term. We have spent time exploring the inside and various outside environments, whilst embedding routines such as adventure logs, mindful moments, story time, circle times, toileting and lunchtimes. All of this has helped the children to feel safe and secure.

We have spent the final week thinking about all things to do with Harvest Festival. The children have learned how Harvest is a celebration that occurs in the autumn where we give thanks for the food that has been grown on the land. We have explored this throughout the provision and the children particularly enjoyed participating in fruit and vegetable stamping with paint. We also became very busy developing our baking skills and made delicious autumnal themed cookies.

In Pre School, we have continued our focus on numeral recognition and this week we have been focusing on numerals 6-10 during circle time sessions. Whilst in Nursery, we continue to focus on extending children as individuals by providing opportunities for numeral exploration and counting throughout the continuous provision.

We also had a very grand finale to the week with our wonderful ‘Harvest in the Hall’ celebration. We could not have been prouder of the children who performed their Harvest Festival themed songs to parents beautifully. It was a delight to see so many families attend and to be able to share the children’s singing and recent artwork with you all.

As we look ahead to the next half term, we will be celebrating Bonfire Night and beginning our new topic focus ‘Helping Hands’. A separate newsletter with further details on what will be covered as part of this will be sent out during the half term break. We will also be introducing the Early Years lending library during the first week back after half term. Once again, separate correspondence will be sent out providing further details of this.

As always, please also visit our weekly blog on the school website to find further information as to what the children have been up to and check our ‘What we did today’ signs that are put up daily outside the classroom doors.

We look forward to welcoming the children back after the October break and wish you all a happy half term holiday. We encourage you to share your activities in your child’s Adventure Log, which are all proving to be very popular with the children in class.

Have a lovely break and we look forward to welcoming you back very soon.