Term Dates / Calendar

Aaaaarghhhh me hearties!

What a busy start to the school year already! Our topic of ‘Pirates’ has taken over the Year 2 classrooms and curriculum. The children have really taken to the topic and are thoroughly enjoying reading, and listening to, an assortment of pirate stories, and using their prior knowledge of ‘characters’, ‘settings’ and ‘props’ from Year 1 and applying it to our new focus book in English – The Night Pirates. They have been looking at different ways of sequencing the story to help them remember the key events and plot!

In maths, we have been recapping number and recognising the place value of digits in numbers to 100. We also incorporated our new pirate topic into Forest School this week, and into our art lessons where we transformed ourselves into pirates and created pirate porthole ocean scenes. They have worked really hard. Both classes have really enjoyed visiting the library to explore the range of books on offer. This year, the children have a set time in the library, no books will be taken home.

One of the perks of Year 2 is salad bar lunches and the choice of a jacket potato, please can we remind you (and your child) that they can choose one of these options for one day of the week, so one jacket potato day and one salad bar day, the remaining will be hot meals. If you would like to ‘plan ahead’ with your child, can we suggest that you have a look at the menu together over the weekend in preparation for next week.

A reminder that swimming is due to start next Friday (23rd) and leading up to it we will be reminding ourselves of the routine so that we are prepped and ready to go next week. We will also be making sure that the children are up to date with their understanding of poolside safety.

Our Independent Explorer homework for this half term is to design a pirate ship and bring a model of it into school to show us. Do feel free to use your imagination, we have had lego models, a pumpkin pirate ship, cakes and a recycling based ship in previous years. The emphasis is on your child creating the model and should be completed by October half term.