Term Dates / Calendar

Diwali and Remembrance Day

This week, in Nursery and Pre School, we have continued to focus on the rich and meaningful experiences that learning about different celebrations at this time of the year can create.

At the beginning of the week, our focus has been on the celebration of Diwali. The children have been learning about The Festival of Lights through Rangoli inspired sensory tuff trays and stories. In Pre School some of the children chose to make Diya lamps out of salt dough.

Over the past few days, we have turned our attention to Remembrance Day. We have discussed with children that we use poppies as a reminder of people who have helped the country and continue to do so today. The children enjoyed making poppies out of red playdough and collaborating together to make a large poppy collage. We even did some poppy stamping with potatoes!

In Pre School, the children were very excited to be introduced to their individual name writing packs this week. We are currently learning to build our names in preparation for our name writing focus later in the year. We also continue to enjoy our new specialist teaching in PE and French.

In Forest School this week, the children focused on Diwali. They were shown some Rangoli patterns that are created during Diwali and were encouraged to make some of their own patterns using natural materials. They had a lovely time having their hand covered with flour and revealing a Rangoli handprint on the grass.