Term Dates / Calendar


This week we have been embracing the interests of many of the children with a Frozen themed week. The role play area has been changed into a Frozen themed castle, with clothes to wear, books to read and props to play with. Play trays have been filled with pretend snow and stick puppet characters for imaginative play. The children have also been exploring ice by talking about how it is formed and where the children might have seen some before. The children have been able to pass ice cubes around the circle as well as play with real ice in the play trays. We talked about why the ice melts and how we could make some more. The children have also been busy making some snowflake decorations, printing snowflakes and making some rather sticky snowmen from shaving foam and pva glue! The children have also been searching for and sequencing the numbered snowflakes and snowmen. Such a busy Frozen themed week!