Term Dates / Calendar

Sunshine in Reception!

We have had a wonderful two weeks in Reception. All our children have settled into the routine so very well. We have made a flying start to our Read, Write, Inc lessons by doing lots of activities about the letters m,a,s,d,t. Fred the frog has been up to his old tricks again and is helping the children to learn their letters and blend them into words.

Forest School has been great fun as we have been identifying berries that should be left alone for the birds to eat and blackberries that we can eat. We went on a berry hunt which ended in blackberry picking and eating. It was a beautiful sunny day for a very special, fun afternoon.

Our topic is called “Help is at Hand”. We will be researching all the people who help us at school and the local community. We have already done some fun games about helping in the home. We hope that maybe now your children might be keen to help you with the dusting, cleaning and tidying! We went on an exciting walk to find all the people in school who were there to help us and what their jobs entailed.

Next week we will be thinking about our local environment and how we can keep it litter free and tidy. We will be spending some time thinking about recycling our rubbish too.

PE, music and French have been so much fun and all our children have enjoyed meeting their new specialist teachers. Well done Reception, we are really proud of you!