Term Dates / Calendar

The arrival of Paddington Bear

The children were excited by the arrival of our new topic – Paddington’s Passport – and were keen to learn more about Paddington Bear and share with their peers their prior knowledge of the fictional bear. A popular character amongst the children, it was apparent that he is well known and the children were able to share where he was from, what he likes and where he lives now. The aim of the topic is to compare the two places that Paddington knows best , Peru and London. This week we focused mainly on the fictional details but as we progress through the weeks we will be learning more about the geographical comparisons and the non-fictional side of the character. In art we have had a go at drawing the bear which we then used on informative posters about him as a character and then we went on to look at the bright and colourful fabrics that are used as part of traditional Peruvian clothes. The children went on to design their own pattern which turned out great.

We have managed to get outside in the sunshine for some outdoor learning this week, in between the showers, which has been lovely. 2G took their library time out onto the grass and both classes had a great time in forest school creating Hapa-Zome prints which is when you hammer leaves and flowers onto a piece of fabric using a mallet to create artwork.