Term Dates / Calendar

Who goes there?

In our Outdoor Learning sessions this week the children have been thinking about animals that are ‘inactive’ over the winter months and looking at where they may be ‘indoors’! We also checked that the bees were feeding hoping that they were preparing to start the foraging of spring flowers during the warmer days. Mr and Mrs Teesdale’s dogs enjoyed our outing and found a few burrows for us to look at.

This week, we have been comparing Queen Victoria to her great-great Granddaughter Queen Elizabeth II. The children enjoyed building on their knowledge of the Victorian era and found out many facts about them both. In art, tissue paper was overlaid to create a colourful background for the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. The finishing silver and gold touches have been added and the completed portraits will soon be proudly displayed!

We were treated to some more fabulous renditions over our lunch this week. Here are a couple of talented musicians in action!