Term Dates / Calendar

Year 2 Diary: Part 5

As our topic comes to an end, we are so impressed with how much information the children in Year 2 have taken on this half term. They have learned all about Samuel Pepys, Louis Braille, Florence Nightingale, Neil Armstrong and to finish off, we have been learning all about Queen Elizabeth II. Hopefully they can share why these people are all famous, and tell you interesting facts about their achievements!

Just a reminder that next week we are doing a re-enactment of the Great Fire of London, so please do make sure all Tudor houses are in on Monday. They are looking amazing, and we feel are starting to feel a little bad about burning them! BUT all for a good cause, and educational purposes. We promise!

Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning royal, this means that she has been the Queen for the longest time more than any other King or Queen of England and this year we are celebrating 70 years of her being on the throne. We learned that she has 4 houses, 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 12 grandchildren – that is a very big family! She also loves dogs and horses and is the only person in the UK who can drive without a driving license or fly without a passport. In art we made a portrait of the Queen in the style of pop artist Andy Warhol. We used tissue paper to create a bright background then traced a picture of the Queen to put over the top.

In forest school this week, 2U went out on the search for willow and made willow crowns and 2G had a go at making braille using natural resources. In maths we have continued to look at division and sharing.